Steampunk Research: What is SteamPunk?

The definition for Steampunk is: a genre of science fiction that typically features steam-powered machinery rather than advanced technology.

Steampunk is often found to be set in an alternative history of the 19th century’s British Victorian era or American “Wild West”, in a post-apocalyptic future during which steam power has regained mainstream use, or in a fantasy world that similarly employs steam power.

Steampunk is used in many industries including fashion, TV and films, video games, literature, music and art and design. An example of steampunk in literature is the novel ‘The Difference Engine’ (1990) which  is an alternate history novel by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling. It is widely regarded as a book that helped establish the genre conventions of steampunk. Some videos games that have a steampunk setting include Dishonored, Bioshock Infinite and Thief.

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