Idea Sketches

Here are a some sketches that I did for various things in my game.

Cyber Knight Chronicles: Story Outline

A mysterious being known as the Cyber Knight travels through space protecting the galaxy from evil. No one knows his true name or where he comes from. Only that he is out there to help the universe and its people.

One day in the city where Cyber Knight lives a evil wizard known as the Crimson Aeromancer appears and kidnaps Princess Mechanisma from her chambers. So Cyber Knight takes a pledge to stop the Crimson Areomancer and bring the Princess back to the safety of her home. On the way he will face perilous hazards and powerful enemies that he will have to overcome.

Character Concepts

Here are some of my character concepts that I drew for my game.
First I did some sketches of existing characters to get a feel of what I wanted my characters to look like.

Then I did sketches for what my characters are going to look like

FMP Research: Sci-fi inspiration

For the Sci-fi elements of my game, I got some of my ideas from Tron: Legacy (2010) a sequel to the 1982 film Tron. The story is about the main character from the first film’s son Sam, who gets a message from his long-lost father and is transported into a virtual reality called the Grid, where Sam, his father and a algorithm called Quorra, stop the malevolent program CLU from invading the human world. Below are some pictures from the film as you can see they are very futuristic looking with bright bold neon blues and oranges. My game will have this sort of style clothing mixed with medieval armour.

Here are some pictures that I found while searching, I had to put these on because I thought that they were pretty cool looking, they are Marvel characters done in a Tron like style and they are actually officially from Marvel.

FMP Research: Medieval Inspiration

For medieval armour, I got some inspiration from the TV show Game of Thrones, the program is set mostly  in the fictional continent of Weteros which is basically a medieval Europe with various religions, cultures, people and climates. The below pictures are of some different armour. As you can see the amour varies on the area and people who wear it and also the climate.

These next pictures are of some of the weapons from the show. The weapons vary a lot in Game of Thrones depending on the different areas, houses and people.

There are also several films that have medieval aspects to them which help with ideas, the first one is Braveheart (1995), it is a historical war epic about a 13th-century Scottish warrior directed by and starring Mel Gibson. The English soldiers are wearing metal armour and chainmail, with a tunic over the top and are mainly using swords, jousts and bows. While the Scottish warriors are wearing leather amour and shields, they are using an assortment of weapons; swords, battle-axes, axes, war-hammers and bows. Below is the trailer for the film.

Another film is A Knight’s Tale (2001) is a medieval comedy-drama starring Heath Ledger. The film is about a peasant who pretends to be a knight, along with his companions, in medieval jousting. The armour in this is mainly full body plate armour and the horses have some on to.

FMP Research: Museums

To help with my research on different medieval armour and weapons decided to visit some museums to get inspiration. First I went to the British Museum there was medieval armour and weapons, but not a massive selection also the armour that was there was not exactly the armour I was looking for. I wanted more English Medieval armour, the armour at The British Museum was more European looking. Below are the pictures that I took there.

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The second museum I went to was The Wallace Collection, at this museum they had a huge selection of medieval armour and weapons, with most of them being English armours so were very knight like. They also had some more exotic amours and weapons as well which were interesting. The armours here were much more what I was looking for. They had lots of swords, maces, jousts, guns and crossbows. These are the pictures from there.

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FMP Research: Sprite Sheets

Here are some different sprites sheets for video game characters, sprite sheets are when there many sprites in a single image. Sprite sheets are used to speed up the process of displaying images onto the screen. To animate with a sprite sheet you just change which sprite is rendered in quick succession to give the illusion of movement, very similar to a film projector displaying a movie. Each single image or sprite is a frame. When several of the frames are put in order it creates a cycle, which in turn can be made into different character actions.

The below images are sprite sheets for character movements and actions.

These sprite sheet are for items found in some different games.


FMP Research: 16-bit gaming

The time of 16-bit gaming, also known as the Fourth Generation, started off with the NEC’s Turbo-Grafx 16’s release in 1987. This time gave way to new hardware more powerful than it 8-bit predecessor, the 16-bit hardware was able to handle more complex, and more detailed graphics games.

The first 16-bit games console to truly become popular was the Sega Mega Drive (Sega Genesis in North America). This console really blossomed when the game Sonic The Hedgehog 1 was released. Nintendo responded to the Sega Mega Drive with the release of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). It was the battle between these two consoles that distinguished the time of 16-bit gaming. One of the other console of the 16-bit era was the Neo-Geo AES (Advanced Entertainment System).

Here is a list of some of the games of the 16-bit era:

  • Ecco the Dolphin
  • Mortal Kombat
  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Star Fox
  • Street Fighter
  • X-men (1993)
  • Super Mario World
  • The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
  • Mega Man 7
  • Donkey Kong Country