History Of Storytelling

Story telling is very old, no one actually knows when the first story was told. But it was around 40,000 years ago Neanderthals made cave paintings to show visual stories, rituals and hunting techniques that were mainly to do with survival. The following pictures are from the Leang Timpuseng cave in Sulawesi, an island in Indonesia, they are some of the oldest cave paintings in the world found so far.

Then at about 850 BCE, around 10,000 years later ancient Greek poets such as Homer would tell spoken stories. sometimes for hours. To keep the audience interested he would put lots of violence and sex into the story.


Next around the 5th century in Rome early versions of hand crafted books were made in small batches. These are one of the earliest known stories told in the written form.

Around 1000 years later Shakespeare was around, but in this time lots of people still couldn’t read, so did not understand a lot of what was being said. So Shakespeare used fabulous writing for the more intellectual people and bawdy scenes and humor that everyone could enjoy.


After that around 300 years later in the industrial age technology made motion pictures and radio broadcast possible. Movie theatres opened around the country, this made it so that stories could be told to mass audiences in one go. Radio broadcasts meant you could listen and hear about what was going on in the world in the comfort of your own home. Only around 50 years later television came along, this is when brand storytelling was at its zenith. Then came along the internet, where we can use all of the methods of storytelling in one place. Now storytelling is told in so many different ways including; film, art, TV, radio, writing and also video games.
