3D Room Development

3D Room Start In Cinema 4D: I started with a cube where I set dimensions that looked good. I mainly used the extrude tool to get the cube hollow and room shaped, I also used the draw and edit polygon objects tool. Then I made the door from a cube using extrude, inner extrude and the knife tool and put it into the right position, I added the handle on afterwards. As I was going along I created and used some preset materials and textures.

3D Room Start

Next, I started to add the main furniture, including arm chairs, a sofa, tables, and a fireplace. I mainly used the extrude, and subdivision surface tool, I also used the smooth shift tool.

3D Room Furnishing

Then, I added less important furniture to the room, TV, TV stand, a rug, fruit bowl, plate, lamp, wall lights and pictures. For the pictures I found pictures from Google images and put it as a texture for the front face, then I made the frame around it. I added light to the lamp using the light tool and positioning the light inside the lamp shade and changing the visibility settings. I did the same for the wall lights except with the wall lights I also changed around the glow settings to make it more light like.

Screenshot_4    Screenshot_6Screenshot_7Wall Light

After that I started to add more smaller objects to help add some finer detail to the room. Including a pot plant, cookies, some books, a DVD player, and some ornaments. To make the plant, I mainly used the array tool and the bend tool. For the cookies I started with a sphere cut off the bottom, filled in the hole, used the scale tool to make it more cookie shaped and used the displacer tool to make it slightly bumpy and raised.

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3D Room layout

One of the first things I did was create a room plan, so that I could get the layout right and put furniture in roughly where I would put it. Then I went on Google images to look for styles of furniture that I liked and the sort of colours and textures that I would use in my room. I chose to use mainly whites, blacks and reds for the colour scheme to give the room a modern, contemporary and stylish feel.

3D room plan

Here Is a one point perspective drawing that I did of the 3D Room design.

3D room perspective-page-0

Film Genre List

Action- Kill Bill, Die Hard, Django Unchained, The hunger games, Enter the dragon,

Sci-Fi- Aliens, Iron man, Guardians of the galaxy, Tron legacy, Predator

Drama- Shawshank Redemption, Forrest gump, The godfather, Schindlers list, The Dark Knight

Thriller- Silence of the lambs, Pulp fiction, Speed ,The Shining, Se7en

Comedy – Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, The mask, Borat , 22 Jump Street, Kick Ass

Fantasy- The Hobbit, Lord of The Rings, Eragon, The Mummy, Harry Potter

Horror- SAW, Scream, Final Destination, The Purge, Friday The Thirteenth

Romance- Titanic, Romeo and Juliet, Sleepless in Seattle, Love Actually, The Holiday,

War- The Pianist, Saving Private Ryan, Flag Of Our Fathers, The Hurt Locker, Inglourious Basterds

Musical- Sweeney Todd, The Sound Of Music, Les Misérables, The Wizard Of Oz, Mary Poppins

Documentary- Super Size Me, Fahrenheit 9/11, March Of The Penguins, Chimpanzee, Bears